Long-term changes of salivary exoglycosidases and their applicability as chronic alcohol-drinking and dependence markers.

a Department of Psychiatry , Medical University of Białystok , Choroszcz , Poland. b Chemistry & Immunochemistry Dept , Medical University of Wrocław , Wrocław , Poland. c Medical Institute , Łomża State University of Applied Sciences , Łomża , Poland. d Department of Conservative Dentistry , Medical University Białystok , Białystok , Poland. e Medical Institute of Medical College of the Universal Education Society , Łomża , Poland. f Department of Psychiatry , Medical University of Warsaw , Pruszków , Poland. g The Laboratory of Clinical and Epidemiological Research , Republican Research and Practice Center for Mental Health , Minsk , Belarus. h Department of Psychiatry and Psychology , Belarusian State Medical University , Minsk , Belarus. i Department of Biochemistry, Radioimmunology and Experimental Medicine , The Children's Memorial Health Institute , Warsaw , Poland. j Department of Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition , Medical University, Białystok , Białystok , Poland.

The world journal of biological psychiatry : the official journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry. 2019;(1):64-75
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OBJECTIVES Investigation of long-term dynamic changes of salivary activity/output of exoglycosidases, deglycosylation processes and their applicability as alcohol markers. METHODS Exoglycosidase (α-fucosidase (FUC), β-galactosidase (GAL), β-glucuronidase (GLU), β-hexosaminidase (HEX, HEX A and HEX B isoenzymes) and α-mannosidase (MAN)) activities were measured in the saliva of healthy social drinking controls (C), alcohol-dependent non-smokers (ANS) and alcohol-dependent smokers (AS) at the 1st, 15th, 30th and 50th day of abstinence after chronic alcohol drinking. RESULTS The activity of exoglycosidases was 2-3-fold (MAN), 2-6 fold (FUC), 8-25-fold (HEX A) and 19-40-fold (GLU) higher in the ANS and AS groups than in controls, and had good/excellent sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. The higher outputs of exoglycosidases were in the AS and ANS groups than in controls at the 1st day (GLU, HEX A) and at the 50th day (GLU, FUC, MAN) of abstinence. We found numerous correlations between alcohol-drinking days with GLU and HEX A, alcohol amounts with HEX A and duration of alcohol dependence with FUC and MAN activity/output. CONCLUSIONS Salivary exoglycosidases/deglycosylation processes were still very high up to 50 days after the end of alcohol consumption. We found markers of chronic alcohol consumption (HEX A), alcohol dependence (FUC and MAN) and chronic alcohol consumption and dependence (GLU).